Demmy Blaze in a small bikini in the shower
Demmy Blaze is a dream-girl in her bikini. A bikini so tiny, it qualifies as a nude beach garment. The bikini top just barely covers her nipples. Can you imagine the attention she’d get at a busy beach or pool, even if she wore a bulky one-piece suit? “I am always trying to improve myself,” Demmy said. “I like to look at my pictures and videos to see ways to make the new ones better.” Demmy says she’s single and too busy and focused on modeling to commit to a relationship. That’s a good thing. Besides her belly dancing classes, she goes to a fitness center and spends a lot of time working out. “I have good support from the people in my life about modeling and that is important to me. I am lucky to have that and lucky to have people enjoy what I do and want to see more of me.” We’ll be seeing more Demmy and her boobs of glory.