Handy girl Karina Hart playing with tools and boobs

One of the greatest busty babes in the past fifty years, Karina Hart set the bar very high. Beautiful, perfectly proportioned (with amazing ass-cheeks also) and extremely photogenic, Karina takes over a workshop in this photo-set and accompanying video. At the end of the shoot, she picks up a welder’s helmet for a couple of blooper shots. A Slovakian girl-next-door, she was in her third year of university studying art when she posed for her first photos. She immediately became a sensation. From that point on it was magic time. β€œSometimes when I am modeling, the sets are so elaborate,” Karina said to one of the editors. β€œI feel like I am on a movie set and I am a movie star. β€œOne time, I said to the photographer when we were shooting in a bedroom β€˜Is this it? Just a bed and a chest of drawers? What is so exciting about that?’ He looked at me and said, β€˜You.'”
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