Kansas City bomber Carrie Ashton
Little did we suspect that Kansas City was home to someone as cute and stacked as sales associate and girl-next-door Carrie Ashton. It’s hard to believe she thought she’s not photogenic. Carrie Ashton is a cuddly top-stretcher, a sweet-faced Kansas girl-next-door. Carrie plays video games in her free time and likes to watch basketball. Her nipples are pierced, which she says makes her dugs more sensitive in every way. “I am a little bit of a hard-ass,” Carrie said, even though that seems difficult to believe. “I am hard to get. A guy should be polite, have a great personality and treat me with respect. That works with me more than pick-up lines or phony charm. I can see through that. Sometimes some of the pick-up lines are funny, though.
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