Maserati in a shiny purple dress
It’s a time for rejoicing. Why so? Because Maserati’s back at in a tight shiny dress. Maserati has it all. Boobs, booty and a thin waist. And she shares it all. “That’s the one thing people say a lot, that I have big boobs and a small waist,” Maserati said. Maserati also has a nice singing voice as heard (once and only once) in SCOREtv Holiday Edition 2011 and she has a great sense of humor. Maserati was a double-D in ninth grade and when she left high school she was a triple-D. “They just kept growing.” Which is why Maserati almost always wears a bra. And when Maserati visited on October 21, 2012, her boobs were even bigger, projecting out to an N-cup according to the calculations.Β